It’s Your Choice!

Buzz! Buzz!

I’m not sure which was louder, the annoying sound of my alarm clock or my groan as I rolled over and smacked it into silence. Determined to get just a few more moments of shut eye I burrowed back under the covers and quickly fell back asleep. But ten minutes later that annoying sound started again and I had a choice to make. I could continue to hit the snooze button or I could heed its summons and get up and exercise like I’d promised myself the night before. Somehow I found the strength to throw back the covers, crawl out of bed, pull on my workout clothes, and stumble to my exercise room.

An hour later I was feeling great! Sweat was pouring off me, my muscles ached, and I was gasping for air, but I felt awesome! The good feeling stayed with me all day and when I climbed into bed that night I slept like a baby. The next morning I woke rested and ready to work out again. I’d made the choice to get in shape and I was sticking to it. I chose life and it’s the best decision I’d ever made.

Life is all about choices. Will I have applesauce or ice cream for dessert? Will I take the highway or the byway? Will I get up and exercise or hit the snooze button again? Will I buy that TV with credit or wait till I have the money in hand? Will I ask God for help with my problems or keep struggling on my own? Whatever choices we make our decisions come with consequences, some good, some not so good; some just for today, some for eternity. And our choices don’t just affect us. They also affect everyone around us, so we better be sure we’re making the right choices.

Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to know what choice to make. We’re bombarded on every side by advertisements promising a better life if we’ll just buy this gadget or take that vitamin. Our minds are overloaded with information from television, the internet, and other media. Sometimes it seems we have too many choices available to us. So, how can we know what choices are right? That’s what this blog is all about – learning together how to make positive choices, so we can live extraordinary lives.

Together we’ll explore our world and sift through the mounds of information available to us to discover little gems which can change our lives. We’ll learn how to be healthier, live longer, get stronger and enjoy life more. We’ll talk about relationships, money, careers, and God. As Miss Frizzle used to say on The Magic School Bus, we’ll “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy” – and have a blast doing it!

So, hop on board and let’s get going on this journey called Life! Together let’s find a better way!

It’s your choice! Make it a positive one!